Sheriff Ramsay Takes on Speeding Biker!

Monroe County Sheriff Rick Ramsay arrested a 35-year-old biker by the name of Yusnier Perera Bazan who was flying over the Overseas Highway at an estimated 130 miles per hour!
Read more HERE about “Super Sheriff” Rick Ramsay.
Sheriff Ramsay was northbound on the Seven Mile Bridge about 4:30 p.m. when he saw a motorcyclist speeding and passing recklessly behind him. Sheriff Ramsay activated his lights and sirens. The motorcyclist, later identified as Bazan, continued.
Bazan drove by Sheriff Ramsay’s well-lit vehicle. Sheriff Ramsay estimated Bazan was traveling in excess of 130 mph. [!!!!]
Sheriff Ramsay radioed other officers as well as 911 communicators while keeping a visual on the motorcycle. Sheriff Ramsay noted Bazan was passing illegally –- passing in the opposite lane and at one point driving down the center, double-yellow lines. Sheriff Ramsay continued to follow while updating other officers and 911 operators of the situation.
Traffic became heavy just north of the Seven Mile Bridge near Knights Key, forcing Bazan to stop.
Sheriff Ramsay used that opportunity to detain Bazan immediately. Sheriff Ramsay arrested Bazan at that time.
Bazan was taken to jail.
No one was injured in the incident.
“That no one was hurt or killed because of this man’s actions is a blessing,” Sheriff Ramsay said. “I say and will continue to say: This sort of behavior will never be tolerated in the Florida Keys. Anyone who visits Monroe County and believes they can drive or ride however they want regardless of the law is mistaken.”
Bazan was charged with felony fleeing and eluding law enforcement early Saturday evening in the Middle Keys.