About The Blue Paper

The NEW Key West The Newspaper (The Blue Paper) is published by Blue Pimpernel LLC, which is owned and operated by Naja Girard d’Albissin (Girard).   Naja and her husband Arnaud previously reported for the former Key West The Newspaper, Key West’s longest running independent weekly,  published by Dennis Reeves Cooper, Phd., from January 1994 until November 2012. The Girards are perhaps best known for their discovery and subsequent coverage of the US Navy’s 1951 claim of ownership of Wisteria Island, along with other in-depth breaking news coverage such as the Charles Eimers death-in-custody case, the catastrophic tasing of Matthew Shaun Murphy, and the Balfour Beatty tax scandal – to name a few.   Arnaud and Naja have lived in Key West since 1986.  

You may contact The Blue Paper at [email protected] or call (305) 304-6882.


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