Community News by Arida Wright

by Arida Wright…….

A landmark vote was passed at the BVRAC (Bahama Village Redevelopment Advisory Committee) meeting held December 7, 2017 at City Hall.

The BVRAC was established in 2008 by the City Commission. Their duties are to recommend to the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) projects within Bahama Village best suited for the use of redevelopment trust funds and to review applications from individuals and organizations eligible to receive TIF (Tax Increment Finances) funds.

Committee members that serve are: Chairman Aaron Castillo, Madam Vice-Chair Patricia Eables, Warren Leanard, Jethon Williams, Clifford Mingo, Ruby Rivas and Annette Mobley.

There were four applications submitted for review and this meeting was to determine which projects would receive funds. Chairperson Castillo expedited the vote stating, “I want to make sure all the funding gets distrib- uted in an equal manner to where everybody leaves here pretty happy.”

The Elks Lodge was awarded $19,000, Cornish Memorial AME Zion Church was awarded $38,268.21, American Legion was awarded $131,000 and 213 Petronia was awarded $32,350.00 respectively. It was an exhilarating moment!

Watching Chairman Castillo conduct this meeting was an amazing example of government taking care of its own and the leadership he implemented is to be applauded.

He reflected, “This is my community that I have lived in all my life. Preserving these projects is one of the reasons I stayed, to make sure that projects like this get completed.” Well done BVRAC!

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