Monroe County EM Director and Assistant County Attorney Support State During Hurricane Michael

Monroe County’s Emergency Management Director Marty Senterfitt and Monroe County Assistant County Attorney Cynthia Hall traveled to northern Florida to provide support during Hurricane Michael.
Senterfitt was assigned to assist the Okaloosa County Emergency Management Director and Hall is working in the state Emergency Operations Center for the Logistics Section.
Senterfitt said that Monroe County offered to send help and the state accepted.
“Just as the state supported us during Hurricane Irma, we are paying it forward and supporting them now,” Senterfitt said. “It also is incredible experience for Cynthia to see the inter-workings of the state logistics section. It will make her much more prepared when we have a storm.”
During Irma, Hall began work in Monroe County’s EOC in the planning section and because of her knowledge of contracts was switched to logistics.
Senterfitt said it is invaluable for Monroe County employees to get as much experience as possible dealing with emergencies.
“I’ll do whatever they need,” Hall said. “It is a great learning opportunity for me.”
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