letter to the editor

FKAA and Monroe County Enforcement Tactics “sort of like in Medieval times”…

letter to the editor

Letter to the Editor

August 15, 2020

Blue Paper Key West,

I have received an anonymous, unsigned, letter on FKAA and Monroe County combined letterhead threatening code enforcement consequences related to waste disposal at my residence in “Paradise”  I have answered the letter but, from past experience, I do not expect a logical or fair response from the hooded bandidos.

The letter demands that I accomplish certain activities  within a time frame, almost immediately, that is logistically impossible anytime; and extremely unwise in the midst of a deadly disease pandemic restricting human contacts.  The letter threatens:  If I do not meet the ultimatum deadline stated, the wrath of  Monroe County Code Enforcement will be brought to bear upon me, sort of like in Medieval times.

I’ve heard whispers of the sudden terror that can be wrought by Code Enforcement and I tremble at the thought of being a victim.  Although I suppose in these intellectual times, instead of a rack or iron maiden, a citizen’s home might be condemned, forcing him to seek alternative shelter under a bridge.

I received a similar unsigned threatening letter two years ago to which I wrote back, citing a recent U.S. Court of Law in Key West, ruling that the grounds upon which  FKAA and Monroe County based their demands were INVALID and, in fact, UNLAWFUL.  Blue Paper published an article on the decision.

During the two years since my letter I have not received an answer.  Instead, I now receive a near duplicate of the first unsigned threat of code enforcement.

I’ve been a full-time “Paradise” resident for 25 years of retirement, paying my way happily with no question or problem except for nature’s George, Wilma and Irma.

But, in my first encounter with local government authorities I’m forced to wonder, and question: are those in offices of public service here responsible to their taxpaying benefactors and obligated to serve according to laws clearly stated?  Or are they, by my experience, free to freewheel, calling the shots and threatening residents as they please, regardless of the law, with anonymous letters?



Jimmy Thalacker

Big Torch Key, USA


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