Fantasy Fest Events: Educational Lectures on Culture of BDSM
Key West’s 10-day long extravaganza of exuberant and sensual Fantasy Fest parties and parades create the foundation for Key West Art & Historical Society’s adult-only, Distinguished Speaker Series presentation, “The History, Culture, and Politics of Bondage/Domination/Sadomasochism,” by psychologist, sexologist and sex therapist Dr. Pamela Stephenson Connolly from 6:00PM-7:00PM on October 25 at Key West Theater, 512 Eaton Street.

Dr. Connolly will discuss her research on the subject and reveal fascinating facts about the nature and role of BDSM among couples.
For adults over 21 only, this exciting lecture promotes a fun, utterly frank and positive view of BDSM. But there is also an important message: In gaining insights and an educated perspective into the beliefs, and mythologies regarding BDSM, one can better understand one’s own sexual mysteries.
Tickets are $20.00 for Society members and $25 for non-members, and can be reserved at KWAHS.ORG (click on “Tickets” tab).
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