Ed Russo Appointed to Planning Board

Commissioner Sam Kaufman has chosen Mr. Ed Russo as his Planning Board Appointee to serve out the remainder of former planning board member Crisity Spottswood’s term. Ms. Spottswood was appointed by former Commissioner Mark Rossi, and just recently stepped down after three years of service to the board.
Commissioner Kaufman conducted a series of interviews with potential candidates and found Mr. Russo to be a great fit for the Planning Board. Mr. Russo comes with a keen understanding of the environment has an extensive and impressive background in Environmental Consulting. He has served as the Chairman of the Planning Board in his former town of Bedminster Township, New Jersey and currently serves on Reef Relief and the College of the Florida Keys Foundation. His first Planning Board meeting will be June 15, 2017 at 6:00 PM.
Impressive background?
“He might serve in the administration, [Russo] said. “I’m very loyal to the Trump family, and I don’t want to rule it out. When a president asks you to do something, you can never say no. But my loyalty is with the Trump family. They come first.”
Read “Trump’s Environmental Evangelist” https://www.eenews.net/stories/1060046222