Announcing New ‘Southernmost Fatherhood Initiative’ Program

A Positive Step Monroe County, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization serving Monroe County’s highest risk kids and their families since 1999, has announced the launch of a new program that provides cost-free parenting skill coaching for dads aged 18-30 years old. Called the Southernmost Fatherhood Initiative, the program consists of twelve two-hour sessions and is available to dads throughout the Florida Keys.

According to APSMC founder Billy Davis, the curriculum, which helps dads develop new skills in parent, co-parent and child relationships, anger management, health, and substance abuse awareness among other topics, has been developed for closed groups of six to ten dads, and is “evidence based,” meaning that it has been tested and validated through educational and social service organizations.

One group has already launched in Key West, “and more will be added throughout the Keys, based on the needs of participating dads,” said Davis. “The whole idea is to break the cycle of absentee dads, and this is partly accomplished through teaching parenting skills to men who might not have had a role model—or a good role model—on which to base their own behavior,” he said.

According to Davis, in addition to parenting-skill building, the program has also been designed to offer crucial support in the form of introduction to 12-step programs if needed, GED referrals, OSHA training, job coaching, construction job referrals, and case management. “We are also providing pre and post program testing, so that dads can evaluate their progress from start to finish,” he said.

A similar, though not identical, program is also available to dads currently in detention situations.

To register for the Southernmost Fatherhood Initiative, which is funded in part by the Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida, contact Billy Davis at 305-304-1969 or at [email protected]. For more information about A Positive Step of Monroe County and its programs visit

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