Private Communities with Private Roads Need to Request Hurricane Debris Removal Through A Fema-Required Process

Do you live on a private road in Monroe County?

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) does not allow Monroe County or FDOT contractors to remove hurricane debris from private roads in the County. However, there are exceptions if a private community requests debris removal from its private roads and signs a right of entry, hold harmless and indemnification form.

Only one person with signing authority from each private community should make the request. To receive the form – and for information about the process – contact Trish Eables at 305-292-3470 or by emailing [email protected]. Signed forms are sent to FEMA, which funds the debris contractors and approves allowing them to work on private roads.

Residents who live on private roads – but are not in private communities – do not need to request hurricane debris removal. Monroe County Public Works crews will collect the debris and move it to the closest public right of way. The debris then will be collected by the hurricane debris contractors.

Residents on these private roads may also bring their own debris to the closest right of way. And while these residents do not need to request removal by Public Works, if they feel they have been missed they can contact Breanne Erickson at 305-292-4427 or email [email protected].

For now, Monroe County’s three transfer stations also are accepting hurricane debris for free from Monroe County residents only. This does not apply to Monroe County commercial businesses/contractors.

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