Key West Group to Lead Equality March in Washington, DC

Section 93 of the Key West Sea-to-Sea Rainbow25 Flag in DC at SCOTUS 2015

Hope Unity & Global Equality Inc. (H.U.G.E.) is very honored to announce that Section 93 of the 1.25 mile (worlds longest) Rainbow25 Sea to Sea Flag sewn in Key West will be leading The Equality March for Unity and Pride in Washington D.C., Sunday June 11th 2017. Section 93 (eight color), sometimes referred to as the ‘Sacred Cloth Project’, has been proudly presented at many historic moments worldwide, and was in DC for the SCOTUS Marriage Equality hearing in 2015. Originally commissioned in 2003 and created by Gilbert Baker for the 25th anniversary of Gilbert’s original 8 color Pride flag, section 93 has been an iconic and historical artifact present at historical events worldwide. Immediately following the historical march in Washington D.C., Section 93 travels to Orlando Florida and will be proudly unveiled at the opening ceremony of ‘Orlando United Day’ June 12th 2017 commemorating the one year observance of the Pulse Nightclub and the unprecedented attack on the Orlando LGBT community on June 12th 2016.

Hope Unity & Global Equality Inc. is a 501 (c) (3) Florida not for profit organization.

For more information on these events or our mission goals please visit both: credClothProject/ L/

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