Veterans Reclaim Armistice Day, Warn Against War with North Korea

Veterans For Peace Send Letter to Trump and Kim Jong-un
People’s Peace Treaty with North Korea Signed by Thousands

St. Louis, MO.  This weekend, veterans all around the U.S. will celebrate Veterans Day by reclaiming the original November 11holiday, Armistice Day, which marks the end of World War I.  Veterans, family members and supporters in at least 30 U.S. cities will march in Veterans Day parades, hold vigils to remember all who have died in U.S. wars, and solemnly ring bells on “the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month.”

“We are reclaiming Armistice Day,” says Barry Ladendorf, President of the Board of Directors at Veterans For Peace. “Since the Congress changed Armistice Day to Veterans Day in 1954, the original meaning of the holiday has been turned on its head – not just honoring veterans, but glorifying war and militarism. Veterans are taking the lead in restoring this sacred date to its original intent – a day to reject war and to work for world peace.”

Alarmed by the threat of a nuclear war between the U.S. and North Korea, Veterans For Peace has sent an open message to Washington and Pyongyang.  A letter addressed to President Trump and Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un, says “The name-calling and bluffing game must stop, before someone, somewhere, makes a tragic mistake, a mistake that could never be undone.  Millions of lives are in the balance. For the sake of our mutual survival, it is time for diplomacy. As veterans of too many wars, we beg you to start talking now.”

Veterans For Peace is promoting a People’s Peace Treaty with North Korea.  Already signed by thousands of people from all over the U.S., the People’s Peace Treaty urges Washington and Pyongyang to “immediately stop their preemptive conventional/nuclear attack threats against each other and to sign the new UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons”

The People’s Peace Treaty with North Korea calls upon the U.S. government to stop its large-scale, joint war drills with the armed forces of South Korea and Japan, to commence a gradual withdrawal of U.S. troops and weapons from South Korea, to lift all economic sanctions against North Korea, and to conclude a peace treaty finally ending the Korean War.

“What better time for veterans to make our voices heard for peace, than November 11th?,” said Ladendorf  “Especially at a time where the president is bringing us to the brink of nuclear war.   The world cannot take any more war.  If we are to survive as a species, we must abolish war and put our precious resources into healing the planet and providing for all the world’s people.”

See our Press Kit for more information, including Veterans available for interviews.


Veterans For Peace is an international organization made up of military veterans, military family members and allies; accepting veteran members from all branches of service. Our networks are made up of over 120 chapters across the United States and abroad. We are dedicated to building a culture of peace, exposing the true costs of war, and healing the wounds of war.

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