United Way of the Florida Keys Announces $20,000 in Immediate COVID-19 Support…

FKOC prepares for their first drive-thru food pantry, in response to COVID-19 social distancing recommendations.


United Way of the Florida Keys Announces $20,000 in Immediate COVID-19 Support

and up to $80,000 Additional over Next 6 Months

United Way of the Florida Keys (UWFK) announces up to $100,000 to serve hard-working, paycheck to paycheck residents in the Keys who are affected by COVID-19’s economic consequences. Recognizing that an immediate response was needed, United Way of the Florida Keys’ Board of Directors allocated these funds to begin to meet the urgent community needs that are arising as a result of the pandemic.

United Way of the Florida Keys is committed to supporting Keys residents whose livelihoods are affected by the decrease in tourism and restrictions on businesses. 42% of Monroe County individuals and families are already not able to make ends meet, despite holding multiple jobs. As businesses close, these Asset-Limited, Income-Constrained, Employed (or ALICE) residents, already living paycheck to paycheck, will lose paid time at work, be laid off, or will not be able to work due to a lack of childcare while schools and daycare centers are closed.

Consequently, UWFK is announcing up to $100,000 to aid Monroe County residents, due to the COVID-19 pandemic:

$10,000 is being disbursed for immediate use by Florida Keys Outreach Coalition, Keys Area Interdenominational Resources, Burton Memorial Church and Star of the Sea Foundation to expand the capacity of their food pantries throughout the county.

$10,000 is being disbursed to Keys Area Interdenominational Resources and Florida Keys Outreach Coalition to increase short-term emergency financial assistance available to Monroe County residents with documented loss of income. Limited assistance will be for critical needs including food, prescriptions, medical expenses and childcare.

Up to $80,000 in additional funds will be available for distribution over the next 6 months as events and needs unfold, to present or future UWFK partner agencies. The process for these distributions has not yet been determined, pending circumstances.

*Residents needing assistance should contact the agencies directly or visit KeysUnitedWay.org for updates on distribution methods.*

This commitment of up to $100,000 will help provide sorely needed stability directly to our ALICE residents during this chaotic time. While UWFK recognizes that our community will need to rely on state and federal assistance, this funding will begin to help immediately and will also address needs not covered elsewhere.

Also, to help residents navigate the COVID-19 crisis, United Way of the Florida Keys is compiling updates on changes to the availability of services and programs from local Health and Human Services providers, as well as a list of state and federal assistance resources. As always, the Community Resource Guide is also available online, with the most comprehensive list of resources for Keys residents. Visit KeysUnitedWay.org/CommunityResourceGuide for credible information in one place.

UWFK is helping facilitate a weekly call with health and human services providers focused on collaboration and communication. Working closely with the health department, emergency management and other stakeholders, we are identifying needs in the community, and coordinating responses accordingly.

In addition to this emergency response, 20 local nonprofit partner agencies continue to work alongside UWFK, as part of $233,000 previously allocated to provide 12 months of services in UWFK’s focus areas of childhood education, access to nutritious food, safety net services and Hurricane Irma recovery.

UWFK knows many families in the community and across the country are hurting already. Contributions at KeysUnitedWay.org help keep Monroe County programs open and responding as the need in our community grows.

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