The Children of Hurricanes

by Arnaud and Naja Girard…….

According to a recent report by FEMA, nearly a thousand residents impacted by Hurricane Irma are still homeless and living in hotels in the Keys at the edge of this new year. Others are staying in tents in yards or at a friend’s home. Many of them lived in trailer homes now blown away or condemned. Others were liveaboard boaters whose homes were sunk or destroyed by the storm. Their fate is uncertain. This is the inspirational story of a group of Key West liveaboard kids left homeless by hurricane Wilma [2005].

[This documentary was originally published in December 2015]

4 thoughts on “The Children of Hurricanes

  1. Key West Boat Kids… Followed along for years and wondered how they survived Irma. Such talented and resilient kids. Their music is magical. Their thirst for life will be rewarding. I will be reminded of them and this story every year we visit Key West.

  2. Am sure at times life was very hard on them but they also gained something that very few kids today learn. It is a way to live that will not hurt them. Most if not all turned out great. I personally would not mind trying to live this way.

  3. I overlooked this at first. Saw half of it two days ago and finished it today. I am moved almost to tears, wistful ones. To see the innocence of the boat kids and then the beautiful grown-ups they’ve become gives me hope that we’ll one day be governed by such as them.

    You two, Arnaud and Naja, have developed into talented documentary producers, as well as skilled screenwriters/cinematographers. It’s a nice add to your talents.

    I’m a huge fan of the Blue Paper, since 1999 and now even more since its re-generation under your guidance.

    Can’t you find a real patron or five who will grant you the money needed to keep you going? I fear that the Patreon approach won’t raise enough to get you even close to your goal. The deadline for a Pulitzer nomination is unfortunately too close (January 25) to be of any help this year.

    Thanks for giving me a way to remain in touch with the Key West I loved.

    Bob Kelly
    Whiskey Creek, FL

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