letter to the editor

Open Letter: White Flight?


by Larry Murray…….


In today’s Keynoter, you are quoted with regard to the proposed Collegiate Middle School: “How can we be sure that this will not result in one more white-flight school?” Very interesting comment that is likely to have the community talking and then some.

When you say “ONE MORE white-flight school” (emphasis added), I assume you are referencing Poinciana School, Montessori Charter School and Sigsbee Charter School as existing “white-flight” schools. Correct? Or, are you referencing other schools? You cannot be identifying HOB or Gerald Adams when you address “white-flight”.

Has a dirty little secret come to the surface? It is most unfortunate that this issue was not discussed during the recent campaigns for seats on the School Board. You learned at your Board meeting that Superintendent Porter was aware of the proposal for a charter middle school at FKCC sponsored by Academica. However, Superintendent Porter did not inform the Board of the proposal prior to the expiration of the 60 day comment period. I assume that the Board has properly chastised Superintendent Porter for that oversight and will include that in any decision to extend his contract.

Having failed to comment timely and appropriately, it appears that you are now using incendiary language to address an issue that presumably concerns you deeply. I hope that you are able to calm the rhetoric before we have a local version of what transpired recently on a national level. The new Collegiate Middle School is a done deal. The Board needs to learn to deal with it, not lash out.


PS: Hope you are having a good time on the cruise!

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