Officer Lovette’s Taser Recording Undergoes Enhanced Forensic Scrutiny / New Admissions Detected Regarding the Alleged Tasing of Charles Eimers

by Arnaud and Naja Girard…

According to KWPD there was no Taser fired during the fatal arrest of Charles Eimers on Thanksgiving Day of last year. But after a few months of forensic clean-up and enhancement by the Eimers family’s legal team, Officer Lovette’s infamous taser recording speaks again and it’s not pretty:

Officer Lovette:  “Listen. I tased a motherf***er in custody today. I don’t care. I already called my PBA rep.”

Unknown person: “For what?”

Officer Lovette:  [unintelligible] when you kill someone PB is first. I already called.”

So, was Charles Eimers tased or not?

A printout of Lovette’s Taser useage history indicates that the particular Taser he was wearing that day was not fired during the arrest. However, the CAD Report [Computer-Aided-Dispatch] report [which records all radio communications involving officers and dispatch] indicates,

“SUSP TAZED…… AT 8:34:15”

Eimers cad suspect tazedThat appears to have been a communication by officer ‘P48’ which was the number assigned to Officer Wanciak at that time [the officer who a Southernmost Beach Café employee overheard stating, “He just killed that man.”

Interestingly enough, two hours later [but prior to Lovette’s Taser even being turned over to his supervisor for uploading] the CAD report shows an unidentified entry stating,


eimers cad subject not tazed

Yet when we cross reference the written CAD report with the audio recordings, neither of those communications are found. Was the audio file edited? Despite the fact that civil depositions and three law enforcement investigations are complete, no offer of explanation has been provided for these discrepancies.

The crucial part of Lovette’s Taser recording is also still mysteriously missing. Under oath, Lovette admitted that his Taser recording device was activated during the arrest and that there should be an up-close recording of the incident – including the moment when Eimers became unresponsive. Lovette’s Taser recording however begins only after Eimers has lost consciousness and has already been removed from the scene by EMS.

The new incriminating admission discovered this week is part of a two hour conversation Lovette inadvertently recorded after the fact when he met with family members and other officers. Until now, most of it was thought garbled beyond recognition.

“This is one more piece of the puzzle,” says Eimers family attorney Darren Horan.

Several civilian eyewitnesses have testified that they saw a Taser being used on Charles Eimers causing him to immediately go limp.

Southernmost Café employees Joelle Grassi, the hostess and Katie Ahern, a waitress, both said they witnessed an officer shocking Mr. Eimers with a Taser. William Barrow, a bartender, is heard in the newest bystander video discovered less than a month ago asking the Colombian vidoegrapher if he recorded the Tasing “tec-tec-tec-tec-tec…”. He also testified that a visiting New York police officer who was dining at the restaurant confronted officer Kathyann Wanciak about the “excessive tasing.”

But how could the Taser have been used without recording the deployment in the device’s firing history? Can a Taser’s firing history be tampered with?

“It totally depends on who is trying to do the tampering,” says an expert on computer security who asked to remain anonymous for the time being, “It might be difficult for the officer but easier for someone in the department’s offices who has access to software. There are no computers on the planet that can defend against someone who has both physical access and an adequate program. It’s pretty much game over.”



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12 thoughts on “Officer Lovette’s Taser Recording Undergoes Enhanced Forensic Scrutiny / New Admissions Detected Regarding the Alleged Tasing of Charles Eimers

  1. Naja, on my end of your email blast of this week’s issue, the links do not work, I had to got to to get into this issue, and the links there for Nina’s “I can’t breathe” and the two Eimers’ articles worked. Nice loving cops in Lovette’s (pun not optional) video, laughing as they kill Eimers. If a jury believes Eimers was tasered, that might lead the jury to believe that’s what killed him, by stopping his bad heart, instead of him not being able to breathe. Sloan

  2. Article in today’s Citizen (

    Mayor recognized as ‘Rural Leader’
    Key West Citizen – Friday, December 12, 2014
    Key West’s mayor is one of “Small Town America’s 100 Most Influential People,” according to a new online magazine called “Rural Leader.” Mayor Craig Cates’ picture appears in the bottom left-hand…

    I’m still wondering how many blue paper readers, who are outraged by the death of Charles Eimers, voted for Mayor Cates this year, for for Margaret Romero, knowing those two were backing KWPD all the way?

  3. I heard recently that a request had been made of the justice department to investigate this pack of liars and murderers. Is this correct?

    It’s time the crimes of this department are exposed and it’s time they are punished. They’ve bumbled by on their arrogance for as many years as I can remember, destroying evidence and lying their way through any situation. They think it’s funny to have killed someone. And their answer to that? Just go to the PBA and they’ll protect them for their crimes.

    Do we have to have a Bubba Bust every 10 years now?

  4. HELLO! Anybody home?

    “Listen. I tased a motherf***er in custody today. I don’t care. I gotta call my PBA rep [unintelligible] when you kill someone [unintelligible] I already called them.”

    AND the inconvenient truths, facts and videos just keep coming….

    1. Hopefully, the federal judge will let the case go to the jury, and then the jury will get to hear that, and everything else, hopefully. Then, it will be on the jury.

      However, in pondering how a jury might go with all of the evidence, consider an email I received today from a Vietnam combat veteran I first met in late 2000, in the St. Mary’s soup kitchen line, might tell it pretty well.

      He came back from Vietnam, got married, started and ran a business, and was a firefighter, as well, and finally retired and has a small pension and, since I have known him, lives either in his van or with friends wherever he goes and hangs out. He still has flashback nightmares and rough post traumatic stress from Vietnam.

      He sees and hears plenty in Key West, like it just shows up and he absorbs it, sort of like he’s “The Shadow.” He’s had his share of rough run-ins with KW cops, including, he told me, a KW cop who came into his van with a gun drawn at his head, in the nighttime, while he was in there asleep, and woke him up and scared the hell out of him.

      He wrote today, verbatim, unedited by me:

      It bothers me that so many people are on the side of the police all over this country I believe there line of thinking is if I support them in my mind and they will know this and never bother me yet I have spoken to many residents about the P D (not) and they tell me they will not come out of there houses and yet I ask them to go to you tube and see the violence all over the country, they won’t , one couples answer was ,,,we just watch the discovery channel.
      Heard lees comment on u s 1 radio this morning Dec. 12 and claims he doesn’t care that or if the justice dept. comes to investigate the cops. (QUOTE)



      The American people are on the side of the wrong movement and also here in this small town and when this government goes into there bank accounts some day and takes all there money only then will they realize they have been on the wrong side .
      I am so thankful that I am not coin operated and I see what’s really happening to the American people by instilling fear in them to comply and convince them that the walk to the FEMA camp ovens has to go forward with its agenda.


      When will the American people wake up and see what is happening to themselves and this once beautiful country.

      1. I wrote back to “The Shadow”:

        I replied:

        Damn well spoken, amigo.

        In Officer Gary Lee Lovette’s taser video recording, you can hear him and the other cops laughing, after they kill Charles Eimers.


        The other new blue paper article ain’t pretty either, here’s its link: INTERNAL AFFAIRS: OFFICER GETS 5 DAY SUSPENSION FOR “LYING” ABOUT KILLING CHARLES EIMERS

        It ain’t hard to see several of the cops were up to no good, when they disobeyed direct orders to break off following Eimers and they turned off their video recorders. They knew they were going to a rumble, and they didn’t want it recorded. But for Lovette turning on his taser, which he claimed he never fired, because he was concerned about one of its darts hitting a fellow officer, we’d not know they were laughing when they killed Eimers.

        Then came the massive cover up. How Lovette’s taser video survived is … a miracle?

        This entire case stinks rotten. The karma is equally rank.

        Someone out at Higgs Beach tonight, whom you know, said Lovette needs to be killed for it to be justice. I said, no, that would rob karma of having its say. Let Lovette experience the karma, that will be justice. Let them all experience the karma. They earned it. All of them, including Donie Lee.


    1. I imagine most, or all of them, are Christians, and some are Masons, and all of them belong to a police benevolent association, and some of them belong to a Neo Nazi society, and some of them belong to a drug gang. And, I imagine some of them are good cops, except when it comes to blowing the whistle on bad cops. Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on point of view, Officer Gary Lee Lovette, in his own taser’s video, blew the whistle on himself and other cops laughing after they killed Charles Eimers.

  5. Riveting Article….An ‘Elderly and Innocent American Citizen’ is torn to shreds by individuals calling themselves police officers. These crimes are all documented and recorded via two videos, witness statements and several close up pictures of the crime.

    Some of the police officers involved with this ‘in-custody death’ repeatedly perjure themselves concerning their part in this innocent man’s killing. During the police chief’s deposition, after viewing the video, he confirms that his officers perjured themselves under oath and in their sworn statements.

    This alleged orchestrated cover-up from the start has been sloppy and amateurish. I’m disappointed by their lack of creativity. I’m taken aback that they attempted to run this absurd, awkward and revealing sham by law-abiding citizens.

    They are clumsy because it has become ‘standard operating procedure’. It’s the way that a corrupted and militarized ‘police state’ responds to individuals that they don’t care to protect and serve. It’s simply business. Circle the wagons, close ranks and move on. Unfortunately for them, they forgot the value of SILENCE and Video Recorders.

    Corrupt and criminal enterprises are immobilized and incapacity, because THEY ALL HAVE SOMETHING ON ONE ANOTHER…

    None of them are ‘choir boys’. Their leaders and supervisors can never take effective disciplinary action.

    City Manager (police chief’s boss?) better get his mind right or he is going to go down with the rest of the co-conspirators. It’s distressing that he would destroy himself behind this nonsense.

    I’m surprised by the level of negligence demonstrated thus far by the State Attorney’s Office. Crimes were televised via video, pictures and perjured statements. FDLE supervisors and special agents violated THEIR OWN ‘Ethical Standards For Conducting A Criminal Investigation’. Still no action and no leadership in correcting this blatant injustice. A series of crimes that occurred right before our eyes…

    Why does someone want to throw away their lives and careers? Perhaps, at its root, it’s a subliminal desire for atonement.

    The ‘wheels of justice’ grind slowly. However, they will not stop until the grinding is done…..

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