Mosquito Control District: Wolbachia Mosquito Trials Possible for Key Largo and/or Stock Island Areas in 2017


October 14, 2016, Monroe County – The Pesticide Registration Evaluation Committee of the Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services has recommended approval, based on data supplied, for MosquitoMate ( to perform a field trial in Monroe County.

This field trial, in conjunction with the Florida Keys Mosquito Control District (FKMCD), will involve the release of male Aedes aegypti mosquitoes infected with a bacterium named Wolbachia pipientis. The trial will be to test the effectiveness of releasing these mosquitoes in suppressing and eliminating the Aedes aegypti mosquitoes at particular sites in Monroe County. When the wolbachia-infected males, which do not bite, mate with the wild female Aedes aegypti, the resulting eggs do not hatch.

“We are looking forward to working with MosquitoMate,” said Interim Executive Director Andrea Leal, “as we continue to investigate new tools in the fight against this important disease vector.”

FKMCD is currently looking at potential sites in Key Largo and Stock Island for the trial, which will take place in March of 2017. During the six-month trial period, thousands of male Aedes aegypti mosquitoes infected with the Wolbachia bacterium will be released every week into the trial areas.

“We’ve had generally positive feedback from participants at our California sites this past year,” said MosquitoMate President Stephen Dobson, “and we are enthusiastic about working with the Florida Keys Mosquito Control District on this project.”

About the Florida Keys Mosquito Control District

The mission of the Florida Keys Mosquito Control District is to control the mosquito population using the most effective methods, techniques, equipment and insecticides; thus enhancing the quality of life for all residents and reducing the possibility of mosquito transmitted diseases.

Follow FKMCD on Twitter at @FlKeysMosquito and on Facebook. For more information about the Florida Keys Mosquito Control District, please visit

2 thoughts on “Mosquito Control District: Wolbachia Mosquito Trials Possible for Key Largo and/or Stock Island Areas in 2017

  1. And if goes wrong for any reason it could be the death of Key West. This is about trusting government and only a fool would ever trust the words of a government employee. Why not test it in the everglades or some other low populated area ?
    Seriously Stock Island is too risky for a TEST.

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