On Thursday, July 6, students and instructors model masks created during the Key West Art & Historical Society Mask Making ArtCamp! taught by sculptor and mask maker Deborah Buterbaugh at Fort East Martello. Children in the class learned about masks from around the world and created ones of their own using a variety of materials. Key West Art & Historical Society’s ArtCamp! is held every summer at Fort East Martello, featuring themed weeks with auxiliary activities and excursions that include field trips to local museums, nearby beaches and gardens—all highlighting the abundant history and cultural assets of our islands while encouraging and expanding students in their knowledge of their local community. For more information, visit KWAHS.ORG/LEARN or call Adele Williams, Director of Education at 305.295.6616 extension 115.
Anthony Korzen, 11, and Stellina Pellegrino, 10, work on creating masks at Fort East Martello on Thursday, during sculptor and mask maker Deborah Buterbaugh’s Key West Art & Historical Society ArtCamp! Mask Making workshop.
Jordan Starling, 8, peeks out from behind a mask she made using paper mache, paint, glitter, faux jewels and feathers during the July 3-7 Key West Art & Historical Society ArtCamp! Mask Making workshop at Fort East Martello, taught by sculptor and mask maker Deborah Buterbaugh.