TWO FULL SURVEILLANCE VIDEOS, 911 Calls: Gunfire on Duval Street, Three Bystanders Injured

derek michael david

A Sugarloaf Key man, Derek Michael David, 34, is in custody following a shooting that wounded three people early Monday on Duval Street in Key West.

The shooting happened at about 1:25 a.m. in the area of Rick’s Bar.  Surveillance video from the bar reportedly shows David at one point dragging the woman down Charles Street and knocking her to the ground. Two men are seen running over to help before the suspect fires into the air and then reportedly opens fire on the men who were trying to defend the woman. They weren’t hit but three other people in the area were. Scott McBride, 54, was treated at Lower Keys Medical Center. Brenden Boudreaux, 35, was airlifted to Ryder Trauma Center in Miami. Ogden Reid, 27, was also airlifted. The victims are all reportedly in stable condition.

David is now reportedly charged with:

  • three counts of aggravated battery with a deadly weapon,
  • two counts aggravated assault with a deadly weapon without intent to kill,
  • one count of using or displaying a firearm while committing a felony
  • carrying a concealed weapon [not having Florida permit to carry concealed firearm]
  • resisting an officer of obstructing without violence

David bonded out on Thursday night at 7:25 pm, the amount of bond was $482,500 according to the Monroe County Sheriff’s Jail Records Department .

Hit the play button for 911 calls below:

Surveillance Video from Rick’s Bar with commentary below:

Read the full incident report here: Shooting on Duval March 2016.


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9 thoughts on “TWO FULL SURVEILLANCE VIDEOS, 911 Calls: Gunfire on Duval Street, Three Bystanders Injured

  1. I hope the boys in jail take good care of him. Can not stand any man that beats women or understand any woman that puts up with it. Hope they add the assault charge.

  2. From the audio I am bit concerned at the amount of waiting time to answer 911. Will assume only one lady to answer several calls. Likely did best she could but leaves question if such an important position should be staffed with only one person. What would happen if this was some drunk driving down Duval shooting and you had more victims ?
    Am sure very rare but seems the 911 is under staffed.
    Is KW able to handle a major situation ? Do they have enough ambulances ?

    1. Interesting way to look at this. When you fire a gun in public you should expect you might hit and just maybe kill. He is a 300 LBS monkey that beats woman. Lock him up and keep adding to the charges.
      Now here is a question , why did they not tase him ? Or did Barney “ooops” lee take them away from his thugs.

  3. Am curious as to why only the same 10 or 20 people ever post here ? Are we the only ones with balls or do the rest just don’t care or are scared.

  4. I read Blue Paper all the Fridays and also other days and is smart to be scared of KW police and other bubbas too. Maybe thats why they dont comment. Naja and Arnaud ar very brave to write the Blue Paper and tell truth of police

  5. At the point one is scared of KWPD or to voice your opinion it is time to either leave or start voting and get security, respect and trust back under control. With all the recent past problems I am sure they now know chances are very high that several cameras are recording. The next victim or his / her family just might not be foolish to settle for such a low settlement. They will demand a jury hearing outside of Monroe county and the credibility of the KWPD will be major defense. Tax payers just might find a judgement of $10 million a bit too costly and demand Donie Lee to resign or be fired. Can KW really risk anymore national attention ? What impact will it have on tourism. Do the people not understand how fast they could turn into a ghost town ? If no tourists there are no job and then no market for housing or store fronts. At that point property values drop and that means lower taxes. Your 1 million dollar home might easily drop in half and force them into foreclosure. Lower taxes mean many cops no longer have a job.

    So just maybe the time is NOW to voice opinion and demand Lee resign. Yes will cost you to get rid of him but far less than what he will cost you with so much as one more lawsuit.Buy and carry a body cam that sends the video automatic to a receiver that can’t be erased.

    Yes Naja and Arnaud are brave but the city is not stupid enough to mess with them. This is the only KW news paper we read. And i sent a link to it to a private group of over 5,000 people that are from every state. Word travels fast. All I need do is let them know about THE BLUE PAPER and Naja and Amaud will do the rest. If the only way to improve KW is to destroy it then that is how it will go. We spend thousands in KW as tourist every year and so does many from our group. The key word to look for is VACANCY and we been seeing that far more often.

    Don’t get me wrong I love KW and been regular visitors for over 40 years. The corruption likely has been going on longer than that but this paper has uncovered it to the WWW world

  6. My what a great economy we have created here. Just keep on spending those TDC dollars to keep the show going no matter what the cost in lives or example.
    Oh. It is a fantasy, – it’s fueled by idiots greed and alcohol. And it’s ongoing accepted and sad.What a wonderful place it once was, now kitty bars and corrupt officials. Sorry to vent, take it as you will.

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