Friends of the Key West Library Lecture Series: Featuring Lucy Burdette

Lucy Burdette Presents Her Eighth Key West Culinary MysteryAt Friends of the Key West Library Lecture Series February 18

On Monday, February 18th, Key West author Lucy Burdette will present her latest Hayley Snow culinary mystery at the Friends of the Key West Library Monday evening lecture series.

Burdette will discuss Death on the Menu, the eighth in her national best-selling series as well as offer a preview of her ninth book A Deadly Feast to be released in May.

The talk will take place at the Old City Hall, 510 Green Street–access is at the front of the building up a flight of stairs or by elevator located at the rear of the building. The Duval Loop bus has two nearby stops.

Admission to the lectures is free. The talk begins promptly at 6:00 p.m.  Seating starts at 5:30 on a first come, first served basis.

For more information, go to and click on lecture series.

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