Femi Returns to Key West

by Arida Wright…….
Marilyn Kay Femi Manners, a/k/a “Femi” returns to Key West bringing her unique style of teaching traditional West African dance at the Coffee Mill. She is well known here being featured at Mallory Square Sunset performances, Coffee Butler and the Key West Junkanoos, dancer for cruise ships arrival on city dock, Fantasy Fest parade, Caribbean Queen Junkanoos weddings, Conch Republic Kickoff parades, parties and memorials.
Last year I was so impressed when she taught a traditional African head wrapping class and hosted a Pre-Kwanzaa celebration at Cornish Memorial A.M.E. Zion Church. Both events were just fabulous because Femi is an ‘over the top’ teacher and goes above and beyond to give her audiences an authentic and enlightened experience.
I have also been a student of hers and her manner of professionalism teaching African dance is exhilarating because she always has a live drummer.
The first class will start at the Coffee Mill, Saturday, September 9, 2017 at 605A Simonton Street, Key West (between Angela and Southard). Youth class starts at 1pm and Adult class starts at 2pm. Call 305-296-9982 before attending.