Andrew Gillum Welcomed With Cheers at Salute Key West

Originally published on Nov 1, 2018
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2 thoughts on “Andrew Gillum Welcomed With Cheers at Salute Key West

  1. Thanks, Arnaud. Gillum is impressive in the video. No notes. No teleprompter. He addresses one hard issue in Florida after another. He shares his personal history. He is the mayor of Tallahassee, the state capitol. If I were a Republican, I would wish Gillum is the Republican candidate for governor. I am not a Democrat, either, but I voted for Gillum. If Gillum wins, perhaps some day he will ru for president, but I hope he focuses on Florida for a while, does all he can to bring off what he said at Salute needs to bring off. What puzzles me is, when your camera panned the audience, it seemed all white. Where were Key West’s blacks?

  2. I was very impressed with Andrew as well as the great turnout of a very diversified crowd. Andrew touched on all the topics important to Key West residents and Florida residents. He seems very intelligent, logical, humble and concerned about our futures. Anyone paying attention to the issues plaguing our state and our country should strongly consider a vote for Andrew Gillum. In these times of partisan politics and such division between the Democrats and Republicans that has now spilled over into American voters, Andrew was a breath of fresh air and gives me hope for tomorrow. (if he is elected!). He seems to be a voice of reason and possibly someone who could help heal some of todays deep divisions. In talking with Andrew I thanked him for coming all the way to the end of the road, I told him we sometime feel forgotten in Tallahassee.

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