About That “Quality of Life”: An Open Letter By Former City Commissioner Harry Bethel

Harry Bethel Sr., Former City of Key West Commissioner

by Harry Bethel, Sr. …

Key West and Monroe County, Mayors and Commissioners:

Let’s talk a little about the quality of life of your residents in the City and County. I will start by saying it is deplorable and embarrassing to have to live with the amount of vehicles, people, Cruise Ships and more people.

The amount of hotel rooms in the City and County and the cost of rooms are exorbitant and the vast majority of that money does not stay locally. It goes to the corporate offices. The only money that really stay locally is the embarrassing and minimal wages they pay their employees.

Now, let’s talk about the tourist. Everyone in the world knows where Key West and the Florida Keys are. The Tourist Development Council “TDC” has done their job long ago.  It is time for them to be dissolved and to put that money to use in the City and County to help your residents with a better quality of life.

The TDC is just there drawing large salaries and advertising that supports the corporate world. This is no longer needed. It is time now to look out for your residents and their quality of life.

There are five (5) Commissioners on the City and the County Commissions and they know darn well what I am talking about because they have lived through and seen personally the dramatic change on our Island and on our and their quality of life.

Please take a look at my Facebook page at the two items I posted and you will see what I am talking about.

Thank you very much for your consideration.


Harry Bethel


One thought on “About That “Quality of Life”: An Open Letter By Former City Commissioner Harry Bethel

  1. Harry is showing true loyalty to key west citizens who have enuff tourism to last a long time. by banning the tdc, the hotels will have to do their own advvertisinig fwhich they are one thoujsand percent able to do. ban the tdc, tourism has been developed more than enuff!!!

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