December Featured Poet: Arida Wright

Arida Wright, President of Powerlines Healing by the Sea Ministries lives her philosophy of self-empowerment, which for her is a lifelong mission of spirituality. She is a Minister of Metaphysics and a Traditional Reiki Master. Arida is a columnist with Key West The Newspaper (The Blue Paper). Her work has also been published in the Key West Citizen. An example of Arida’s poetry will be featured in Key West Laureate, Flower Conroy’s upcoming anthology entitled Poets in the Garden, published through a grant by the Anne McKee Fund. Arida began writing poetry in the sixth grade and became involved with the Key West Poetry Guild by reading an original piece at their Celebration of Black History Poets program. She is also a professional event planner and loves to host parties for people.

Open Mic Poetry 1st Sunday Every Month
December 3rd
801 Gregory St, Key West
All are welcome to read or listen
Original Work Only

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