Dump the Pump Day

Thursday, June 15th is National Dump the Pump Day and the City of Key West is urging everyone to use public transportation. This marks the 12th annual Dump the Pump Day celebration promoting energy-saving public transit.

The city remains committed to reducing our carbon footprint, and we urge the community to do the same. If you haven’t tried the bus, give it a shot. You may find that traveling to work in air conditioned comfort may just suit your lifestyle while reducing the number of cars on the road.

Ride the bus, walk, or bike to your destinations on June 15th and join the country in dumping the pump!

Sponsored by the American Public Transportation Association, National Dump the Pump Day encourages people to ride public transportation instead of driving a car.

For real-time information on the city’s transit system go to www.kwtransit.com, or call 305-600-1455.

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