Women in White

The Women in White held a peaceful vigil on the corner of northeast of Eaton St. and Simonton St. in Key West, Fl on Tuesday, February 7th 2017 from 10 AM- 12 noon. The group will be holding a weekly vigil in support of the Resistance. It is a friendly and approachable vigil. The group wears white as a symbol of solidarity with the suffragettes who successfully stood for our right to vote. We vote on Tuesdays. We stand on Tuesdays. However, you may bring a chair, if needed. All allies are encouraged to attend. If you are not currently local to this event, know that you are invited with intent to offer you support and encouragement. Resistance is active in many ways. Our goal is to inspire you to stand peacefully together in white wherever you are or to rise up in any way that speaks to you. We are a group that believes in leading with love. We feel that the language of how we speak to and about one another must shift. Nothing but mindful words to and about one another will help us connect to our shared humanity and lead us out of this dangerous situation for all life upon our precious Mother Earth. If you can attend, please: consider ride sharing, wear white if possible, bring simple and kind signs including nothing personally inflammatory against #45 or his voters. We want to focus on leading with love and speaking truth in order to empower.

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