Custom House 125th Anniversary Photo Contest Announces Winners

Key West Art & Historical Society announce the winning photographers from the Custom House 125th Anniversary Photo Contest, a free-entry competition that ran virtually on Facebook from August til November 9th. The Society awarded three separate categories—Color, Black & White, and Nighttime—with winners based on the amount of “likes” their post upload received. David Bingham took the winning night image with “Moonlight Dancing Custom House,” Shawn Verne claimed the color category with “Morning Glow,” and Sid Graves stole the Black & White category with “Dancing the Days away in Key West.”

Winners received a $250 cash prize and tickets for two to go “Back In Time” to the Custom House’s 125th anniversary celebration—a Key West formal fundraiser with a history twist—on Wednesday, November 30 at 6:00pm for a costumed evening of revelry, music, dancing, and dinner at the Custom House and Westin Resort. Party proceeds will support the ongoing preservation needs of the building, a superb example of Richardsonian Romanesque Architecture and the only one of its kind in the Keys.

“I want to congratulate all the participants for submitting their images to the “Give Us Your Best Shot: Custom House Celebrates 125 Years” Photo Contest as they all added great perspectives of The Custom House,” says Society board member and photographer Todd Feit. “I applaud each winner as they had to take a creative approach to really stand out among the other winning worthy images.”

For more than 60 years, The Society has been steward to the iconic landmark structure that has served as the organization’s flagship museum since 1999, after after a multi-million-dollar restoration effort initiated by The Society and funded by the federal ISTEA program, the State of Florida, Division of Historical Resources, the Division of Cultural Affairs, many private foundations, businesses and individuals. Under the roof and along the grounds of this grand beauty, The Society continues to educate the local community and visiting public by preserving, interpreting and exhibiting the art, architecture and history of the Florida Keys, while inspiring photographers across the globe with her majestic stature.

For more information on the Custom House, the Custom House Museum, and the Society’s many programs and exhibits within it, visit KWAHS.ORG or call 305-295-6616. Your Museums. Your Community. It takes an Island.

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