Crime Report


Miami men charged with illegal lobster, fish

On Friday afternoon Marine Deputy William Guerra was on routine patrol in the area of Toms Harbor Channel when he saw Miami resident Luis Del Rosario, 54, walking from the shore line carrying a bag. Upon contacting Del Rosario and checking the bag, Deputy Guerra found 11 speared lobster, nine of which were undersized and a illegally speared Parrot fish.

Another man who was with Del Rosario, 45 year old Alexis Penate of Miami, was still swimming in the water. Upon seeing Deputy Guerra with Del Rosario, Alexis swam down with his makeshift lobster spear and attempted to hide it. Deputy Guerra jumped into the water and retrieved it.

Deputy Guerra requested backup. Marine Deputy James Hager was on the water nearby and responded to assist.

Alexis was arrested by Dep. Hager for obstruction.

Luis was arrested by Dep Guerra for possession of undersize spiny lobster, possession of over the limit spiny lobster, possession of speared spiny lobster, possession of a speared Parrotfish, possession of parrot fish greater than 12 inches.

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One thought on “Crime Report

  1. Well, it’s always good to see rampant resource violations prosecuted, but one would think there is not much happening in the Keys except for that, graffiti, and homeless campers. Meanwhile, a friend tells me that a pill-head female she knows was found dead along with a guy- both with a hypodermic in their arm. Murder? Overdose? Contamination? That’s a far cry from the usual crime report of a marijuana bust or domestic dispute.
    Then I have a friend in LKMC hospital who tells me that there are powerful painkillers (and other) on the chart that were not actually administered (or rendered). Is that how some of the pills get on the street? Is that how bills get inflated?
    I was in LKMC for a bone break. When I asked for a breakdown of the bill, I got a list of medical CPC billing codes. So I got a CPC book and discovered I supposedly had 4 tetanus shots (you would think one to be plenty- and that’s my recollection), and a heart valve operation (since I was awake and alert the whole time, you would think I would remember that). There was more. Not all the criminals are snorkeling along the shore, and it seems some crimes are ignored- especially when local government is involved.

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