Last Stand Forum – June 9

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Neighborhood Information Forum June 9th covering Traffic and Parking Problems plus Affordable Housing Issues

Join Last Stand board members on Thursday June 9th at 5:30pm at the Eco-Discovery Center, 35 East Quay Road in the Truman Waterfront for a Neighborhood Information Forum where you will hear about Transportation and Affordable Housing changes coming in the near future. After a brief social period, the program will begin at 6:00pm and adjourn at 7:30pm.

The program begins with Chris Hamilton, Bicycle/Pedestrian/Transportation Coordinator for the City of Key West, who will present 10 steps to Solve Old Town’s Traffic and Parking Problems. Biking is only part of the solution. Chris’ talk will introduce a more holistic approach, including adding services like carshare, bikeshare and Uber, improving transit, improving bikeways and bike parking, education and right-pricing our parking. There will be an opportunity to provide feedback on these steps that may become incorporated into the Key West Bicycle Master Plan that will be created in the next few months.

The second half of the program will provide an overview of changes to Affordable Housing code that is scheduled for discussion at the June 16th Key West Planning Board. Owen Trepanier, President of Trepanier & Associates, Inc., will present key policy decisions that will help move Key West towards a better supply of Affordable Housing opportunities. Sam Kaufman, Key West District II Commissioner will also give insights on the changes being proposed. Discussion will include several alternatives, including:

  • allocating all future new Building Permit Allocations (BPAS Units) to affordable housing,
  • increasing density of small deed-restricted dwelling units in commercial areas to encourage affordable housing construction,
  • Eliminate transient allocations from BPAS,
  • Allow large commercial properties to construct affordable housing on site, and
  • Lower average rent of affordable housing projects from Moderate income to Median income.

“Lots of time has been dedicated to discussing both of these issues. The city is close to taking actions that will have a long-term impact on the quality of life for Key West residents. We’re looking forward to a lively discussion and sharing of ideas at the information forum,” said Last Stand President Mark Songer.

Free vehicle parking is available and there is dedicated space to lock up your bicycle. Light refreshments will be served.

Last Stand is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote, protect and preserve the quality of life in Key West and the Florida Keys with an emphasis on the environment.

One thought on “Last Stand Forum – June 9

  1. Affordable housing pretty much anywhere, except in the Truman Waterfront Park. Keep the park a park for Conchs, Key Westers and our guests to enjoy for generations. With the Google Map link of Southard St. below, you can graphically see that our open space has disappeared except for a few small parcels, and now some want to build on these last open areas in “our” park. Folks, it just doesn’t add up. Someday, somehow we must take a “stand” to preserve our quality of life on this island.,+Key+West,+FL+33040/@24.5543517,-81.818675,1726a,20y,90h,41.23t/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x88d1b6c202b85fc1:0xeccddb5601766fd5!8m2!3d24.5563904!4d-81.7996524?hl=en-US

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