Sexy Guy Turned Thief


hill phernando

A Marathon man who allegedly robbed a woman after promising (but not delivering on) a little hanky-panky was arrested early today [February 7, 2016].

The Sheriff’s Department reports the victim said she met 31 year old Phernando Hill at the Brass Monkey bar. He told her his name was Todd Johnson. She said they left the bar to go to her place to have sexual relations. She said he wanted to make a stop, and asked her for $200. She said she stopped at Tropical Apartments on 41st Street, but had changed her mind about giving him the money. She said she had the money in her hand and he grabbed it from her and jumped out of the car. As he jumped out, his hat fell off and was left in the vehicle.

The victim told Sheriff’s deputies she waited, but he didn’t return. She said she went into the apartments to try to find him, but couldn’t locate him. She was sitting outside the apartments honking the horn on her vehicle when deputies pulled up to find out what was going on.

Investigations revealed who Hill really was, and that his parents live at the apartment complex. Deputy William Daniels made contact with the manager of the apartments. She recognized the description given of Hill, but he could not at first be located on the property.

At 5:30 a.m. Sunday, the manager called the Sheriff’s Office and said Hill had just left the property, running toward U.S. One. He was located near the intersection of 41st Street and U.S. One. Several hundred dollars in cash was found in his pockets. He denied taking money from a woman. He said he’d been at Brass Monkey earlier in the evening, but claimed to have taken an On Time Taxi home. A check with On Time Taxi revealed his claims to be false.

Hill was arrested. He was charged with robbery and he was taken to jail.

5 thoughts on “Sexy Guy Turned Thief

  1. I’ve been rethinking my take on this.

    So, this woman was ready to pay this guy $200 to get laid and she was apparently so repulsive that he couldn’t go through with it, deciding instead to take the money and run.

    I think she should go to jail for attempting to pay for sex and for disturbing the peace.

  2. You got to read between the lines. $200 is about right for a baggy of weed. He f’d her over by thinking no dumb ass would pay before seeing the weed and then call the cops. $200 would buy almost any ugly lady sex with a lot better looking man than this thug. SEXY LOL are you serious ? She is guilty of trying to buy drugs but even that stupid bitch did not tell the cops that story. That charge will get dropped. Yes he is guilty but either the 200 was for drugs or sex, both illegal.

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