So You’re Thinking About Running

A Workshop on Winning Campaigns

Saturday, February 10, 2018

“So You’re Thinking About Running”
Hometown’s Winning Campaigns Workshop

Dear Incumbents, Candidates, Those Considering a Run for Elected Office and Campaign Leaders,

Hometown! — Key West’s and Monroe County’s voting community’s signature resource for candidate and election information is sponsoring a Workshop for those running, considering a run or interested in campaign management for elected office on Saturday, February 10, 2018.

Starting at 8:30 am at the Marriott Beachside, the half-day workshop (optional lunch) offers a full schedule of campaign topics, including deciding to run, how to form a campaign plan, budget and fundraising tips, messaging, speeches & debates, marketing and election rules and paperwork.

Speakers will include elected officials and other political mavens. Attendees can meet one-on-one with the speakers during the optional lunch session.

Details concerning the Workshop including registration and attendance fees ($25 in advance) are available at or contact Sheldon Davidson at [email protected].



Decide to Run, for What and When
File Paperwork and Elections Deadlines
Write a Winning Campaign Business Plan
Budget and Raise Funds
Develop a Campaign Message
Prepare for Speeches, Debates and Press
Market and Launch the Campaign

* An optional lunch with workshop speakers, panelists and political mavens will follow the workshop.

Those of you who registered for the September workshop have been automatically enrolled in the February 10, 2018, workshop.

Register Now (click here)
For this excellent primer in what it takes to run a successful campaign.

For questions or information please contact Sheldon Davidson at [email protected].

Hometown’s 2018 Candidate Calendar of Events
Campaign Workshop: Saturday, February 10, 2018 / Marriott Beachside Key West
Call for Candidates: Monday, April 16, 2018 / Salute! on the Beach Key West
Meet the Candidates: June 22, 2018 The Studios of Key West

Yours in Good Government,

Sheldon Davidson
Hometown! Board of Directors / Secretary

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