MCSO Crime Report


Man Charged with Burglary

lansford ericA Homestead man was charged with vehicle burglary Wednesday after stolen property was found in the motorhome he was staying in.

Sgt. Jason Madnick responded to a house on Gumbo Limbo Drive Wednesday morning after a man staying at the house discovered his car had been burglarized. He said he’d gone to sleep on the couch with his car keys on the table beside him. When he woke, the keys were gone and his belongings, which he kept in his car, were missing.

He told the sergeant one of the items in his car was a PlayStation; he said he’d shown it to 36 year old Eric Lansford the day before in an attempt to sell it to him. He said Lansford was staying on a motorhome parked on the property.

Investigations revealed the stolen belongings – including the PlayStation and the car keys – were in the motorhome, as was Lansford who was asleep inside. Lansford was arrested, charged with burglary and grand theft and he was booked into jail.


Information above is received from local law enforcement agencies; please remember the individuals shown are innocent until proven guilty.

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