letter to the editor

Why Did the Monroe County BOCC Choose to Discriminate Against Some of Their Taxpayers?


Dear Editor,

Discrimination is such an UGLY term. In America we were brought up to believe that all men were created equal. Judge Miller was heard on U. S. 1 radio talking about “The Rule of Law” where everyone is EQUAL under the law. The Florida Constitution alludes to EQUAL treatment. We all pay taxes to Monroe Cty. with an Equal constant factor. When the FKAA installed their first sewer system in Little Venice-City of Marathon which I had the privilege of being the senior field inspector, there was No extortion. No city of marathon citizen was forced to give up their property. No taxpayer of the city of Marathon was forced to hire an electric contractor to install a high voltage electric system to run their sewer system. No citizens of the city of Marathon is required to pay for the electricity to run their sewer equipment. The WHOLE county voted for a tax to fund the sewer system so citizens, taxpayers wouldn’t have to be DISCRIMINATED against. We didn’t vote this TAX so the ‘Nuevo Gangsters of Three’ could Misappropriate these tax revenues on their little projects. I really feel sorry for Danny and Heather.

Dr. Eugene E. Nanay Jr.

3 thoughts on “Why Did the Monroe County BOCC Choose to Discriminate Against Some of Their Taxpayers?

  1. Judge MILLER speaking on the radio about the principle of being “equal under the law?”

    Why was he asked to comment?

    Judge Miller is the LAST Judge in Monroe County who should be asked to speak on anything except the Bubba system of “Just Us.”

    The Coconut Telegraph has it that Miller is going to do the greatest thing in his career and not seek reelection.

    Should this just be a ruse on Miller’s part or should His Eminence change his mind, any voter who believes in equal justice and in Judges being under the law and not above the law to send him to the humiliating defeat he deserves.

  2. Thank you for your input. However the article isn’t about Judge Miller, it’s about the fact that the Nuevo Gangster of Three chose to GIVE the St. of Florida to repair the falling apart Bridge to Pigeon Key, 9 million tax dollars that the electorate voted to fund the sewer system. Instead Of spending $1600 for a traffic bearing cover and supplying electricity like THEY did on Grassy Key,THEY are attempting to extort PRIVATE PROPERTY to install the turd grinders when they should be put in the street where they belong. Why did The Nuevo Gangsters of Three Discriminate against their citizens?? Can anyone tell me??

    1. OBTW, WE the Taxpayers of Monroe County did vote to Extend this BOCC SLUSH FUND till 2030?? What fools we are to believe their LIES. Is there any way the VOTERS can Vote to Eliminate this tax?? Let me know, please.

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