What The —— is Going On?

question marks

An Open Letter to Commissioner George Neugent:

Please explain to the Taxpayers of Monroe County how an egress, OWNED by the State of Florida, to a City of Marathon tourist attraction became the financial responsibility of the Taxpayers of Monroe County?

The TDC advised me that state statues forbid the use of TDC funds for that Donation(?) What Taxpayer funds are used to provide Ferry service to Piegeon Key, a secondary City of Marathon tourist attraction?

It appears that the Pigeon Key Foundation coerced Marathon Residents and Monroe County Commissioners George & David along with the Key Largo Commissioner, Sylvia, into misappropriating $9,000,000 of Monroe County Taxpayers infrastructure sales tax monies, earmarked for “a Complete & Fully Funded” sewer system, so that the Foundation members would be able to take their morning walk without fear of traffic.

Now if the City of Marathon Residents CHOOSE to contribute to that folly that’s their business. However, there are around 3000 Monroe County Taxpayers that are actively being Extorted to give up their Property so these three Commissioners wouldn’t have to come up with the $1600/ea for a traffic bearing cover, about $4.8 million dollars that the Taxpayers voted to spend. Those same Commissioners voted to spend that infrastructure sales tax money to buy the lids & supply electricity to the Taxpayers on Grassy Key & the turd grinders were put in the ROW with No attempt to EXTORT private property.

Why did those three Commissioners CHOOSE to Discriminate against those 3000 resident Taxpayers?

So Commissioners, EXPLAIN to the Taxpayers. Or, are the Three of you North of the 7mile bridge guilty of Misappropriating Taxpayer funds, and possibly Sunshine Law violations? The taxpayers want to know.

Eugene E. Nanay Jr, a Minority, Sr. Citizen, 80% wounded warrior, 30 year Monroe County Taxpayer

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