For the second year in a row the Custom House Museum in Key West was the setting for a flash-mob style Valentine’s Day Kiss-In event, hosted by Key West Art & Historical Society. On the evening of February 14, in celebration of love, an estimated 500 couples locked lips next to artist Seward Johnson’s 25 foot tall “Embracing Peace” sculpture, an artwork that was inspired by photographs taken at the end of World War II of a sailor and nurse in Times Square, New York, locked in an immortalized kiss – an image that has been called the most famous kiss in American history.
Bill and Ann Lorraine of Key West mirror the massive 25-foot tall “Embracing Peace” sculpture figures at Wednesday evening’s Kiss-In at the Custom House Museum. Hundreds participated in the flash-mob style event, inspired, like the sculpture itself, by photographs taken of a sailor and nurse locked in an immortalized kiss in Times Square, New York, celebrating the end of World War II – an image that has been called the most famous kiss in American history.