Uber Fires Back…


This just in from spokesperson, Bill Gibbons, on behalf of Uber in response to KWPD’s announcement today that Uber drivers in Key West that don’t possess a vehicle-for-hire license will be arrested beginning tomorrow, July 1, 2015:

“It is unconscionable that the city would seek to limit safe, reliable transportation ahead of one of the deadliest weekends of the year for drunk driving-related incidents. We hope the city will reconsider and work with us on a sensible, modern regulatory framework for ridesharing in Key West.

Uber remains committed to providing access to safe, reliable alternatives to driving under the influence as they celebrate the Fourth of July weekend.

Fourth of July weekend is historically one of the deadliest times of the year for drunk driving-related accidents. Through our partnership with Mothers Against Drunk Driving, we have made it a priority to better educate people about the dangers of driving under the influence, and we are committed to expanding access to safe, reliable transportation options.

A study conducted by MADD found that when empowered with more transportation options like Uber, people make better choices that save lives. Uber gives people smarter alternatives to getting behind the wheel if their plans include alcohol. In Seattle, we found that the arrival of Uber helped reduce drunk-driving arrests by 10%. And in California, Uber’s largest market, drunk driving incidents fell by 6.5% per month under drivers under 30 after the launch of Uber’s ridesharing product, uberX– an estimated total of 1,800 crashes prevented.

We stand steadfast by our driver-partners and their right to provide this valuable service to their neighbors and tourists.”

To be continued…

One thought on “Uber Fires Back…

  1. Naja, a friend told me this afternoon that Uber drivers are not paid directly, the payment is made to Uber.

    So, I’m wondering how Uber drivers are compensated by Uber? And do Uber drivers get to make tips?

    The same person, you know him well, said he’s had harrowing taxi rides in Key West, the drivers were drunk, all over the road.

    Don’t know if that’s statistically decisive, given how much booze is drunk in Key West and how many people drive with booze in them, including, hmmm, the former publisher of the blue paper, who collected a D.U.I. , which he fought to a jury trial and lost, yes?

    It’s said Key West has more bars per capita (and more churches per capita), than any other city. I have wondered if there is a correlation?

    Am wondering if the city can force Uber to disclose the identities of all of its drivers in KW, if not already known. Perhaps, in weighing in under this discussion, Uber surrendered to KW’s jurisdiction. If Uber brings a legal action, I imagine the city, in discovery, would be able to get the names and addresses of all Uber drivers in Key West.

    I imagine more thoughts will arrive in my brain later …

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