The Loons at Mellow Cafe and GastroPub

The Loons are a couple of, well, loons, who believe in the magic of music, who believe that music is meant to be enjoyed for the way it can move the hearts, spirits, and thoughts of those who hear it – not just sell drinks and food. The fun they have performing transfers to the audience, and a good time is had by all. Unusual instrumentation including mandolin, ukulele, and dulcimer, even conch, kazoo, and xylophone, provides settings for their soprano and baritone voices. This presents a refreshing change from convention right from the start.

Mellow Cafe is a perfect match for their music, a venue with the right vibe for their offbeat charm. Outdoor seating on a patio by the harbor, a great selection of delicious food and brews and food, a delightful range of musical styles spanning decades and genres – what’s not to like? Do you believe in magic? The Loons do!

Come see what it’s all about Saturdays from 6-8 PM at Mellow Cafe, 1605 N. Roosevelt Blvd., bayside, just past Eisenhower.

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