Sunday, March 20th is Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Day

The City of Key West is taking a stand against child sexual abuse and joining hands and hearts with Lauren’s Kids. On Wednesday, Mayor Craig Cates proclaimed Sunday, March 20th as Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Day.
On March 1st, activists concerned with the protection of our children, left Tallahassee for the 1500 mile “Walk in My Shoes” that will culminate Sunday with Hopefest in Key West at Bayview Park. Walkers will make a 4.2 mile loop in honor of the 42 million survivors of sexual abuse, from 1:30 until 3 p.m. After the walk, Hopefest will begin at the park. Games, treats and fellowship will provide people a change to come together to spread hope for a better tomorrow for the children in our community.
Daliana Goins accepted the proclamation. She is a counselor with the Monroe County School District and a leader in the effort to protect children from sexual abuse. She is also a survivor.
“Ninety-five percent of child sexual abuse is preventable through education and awareness,” she said, noting that she teaches abuse prevention curriculum to over 600 local students every year.
“One person can make a difference, even if it’s just a difference of one,” she said. “I’m a thriving survivor; that is why I walk.”