Secret Santa

Some Key West residents got a big surprise on Wednesday when Key West Police Officers pulled them over but, instead of ticketing them, gave them $100 bills! A generous and anonymous donor provided the Department with $5000 for a community give-back program. This afternoon, led by Chief Donie Lee and Captains Sean Brandenburg and JR Torres, officers approached random members of the community and gave them cards containing the money and this message, which came from the donor:

“Greetings, My wife and I have the money to the Key West Police Department for their give back program. To show our appreciation for the men and women who go out every day and night in harm’s way, to insure the safety and security of our community.

Our gratitude today is even more meaningful, given that it has been such a dangerous and deadly year to be in law enforcement. The fine men and women of law enforcement are just as deserving of our saying “thank you for your service” as are the brave men and women or our armed forces. May God bless them and their families for their dedication and service in keeping America safe and may we all say a prayer for peace. Happy Holidays.”

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