School District Partners With COMPUTE$

Mrs. Albury’s 5th grade class proudly displaying their coding certification.
Mrs. Albury’s 5th grade class proudly displaying their coding certification.

The Monroe County School District participated in the Hour of Code which is a global movement to reach tens of millions of students in over 180 countries. The Hour of Code is a one hour introduction to computer science where the basic components of coding are introduced. In Monroe County, several schools participated including Poinciana Elementary School. Mrs. Albury’s fifth grade class partnered with Mrs. Sawyer’s class to teach other fifth grade students a lesson on coding. Mrs. Albury’s entire class completed a certification in the Hour of Code. The fifth grade students taught lessons throughout the week in many grades including first grade.

Mr. John Padget, the founder of the COMPUTE$ program which provides grants to all Monroe County students who successfully earn credentials in computer science during the 2014- 2015 school year was present to observe the coding lesson. “I was so happy to watch the coding being done by Mrs. Albury’s 5th graders,” John Padget, Vice-Chair of Florida’s State Board of Education said. “Her students will be fully qualified for computer science courses offered under the COMPUTE$ banner as they progress into middle school next year.” Mr. Padget and Mr. Dekker pledged $100,000 in financial support to create a “computing platform” of courses and certificates in Monroe County.

Superintendent Mark Porter stated, “The importance of coding is an initiative that is sweeping across the country. It is exciting to see efforts such as Mrs. Albury’s and her fifth grade students leading the way in Monroe County. This is yet another great example of Charting the Course to Excellence!”

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