letter to the editor

Right to Representation


by Greg Daniels, KES Advisory Committee Representative District 2…….

Dear Editor,

The Keys Energy Services board voted in 2002 to change the name of “City Electric System” to “Keys Energy Services”. One of the reasons for this change was electric system no longer just served the citizens of Key West, but the entire Lower Keys. The new name, Keys Energy Services better reflected the utility and their customers and services. The inclusive attitude of the Keys Energy Board is continuing today with a move to permit Lower Keys voters the ability to vote on Keys Energy board members.

As a member of the Keys Energy Advisory Committee, one of the most frequently asked questions I receive from Lower Keys residents is “Why can’t I vote for Keys Energy board members”. The answer to this question is often meet with frustration and the general feeling of “that’s not fair, I pay the same rates as Key West residents”. The Citizens of the Lower Keys are affected every day by choices made by the Key Energy Board, just as Citizens of Key West are. The recent moves by the Keys Energy Services Board of Directors to modify the board and permit Lower Keys residents the ability to vote and have representation on the Board is welcome to not only myself but many of my neighbors as well. The right to representation is one of the many reasons our country was founded. Keys Energy Services Board should be commended for recognizing the lack of representation and taking steps to embrace all voters it serves. I believe that the best way to assure residents in the Lower Keys receive fair representation is the “3-2 plan” with voting at large: three board members would be elected from the City of Key West and two from the Lower Keys. This option will assure the citizens of Key West the ability to maintain a majority on the board, but also include those of us who live outside the city limits.

Thank you,
Greg Daniels
KES Advisory Committee Representative District 2
Key West

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