letter to the editor

Poll the Voters!


Dear Editor:

I propose, in the public interest, a poll of the locals as to their thoughts of governments in general, and Monroe County in particular.

I propose the following questions:

Do you think you’re getting your tax dollars spent in your best interest?
Do you think that BOCC officials are acting in your (the Voters) best interests or the influence peddlers?
Do you think that you’re being told the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth by your elected county officials?
Do you think that BOCC officials make moral and ethical decisions or are they influenced by the bottom line?
Do you TRUST your elected officials?
Do you think that BOCC officials actually care what the voters think or want?

In the immortal words of former elected Congressman, Mr. Peter Deutch, when commenting on the overwhelming defeat of the sanctuary by us Voters,
‘You people don’t know what’s good for you so we (the government) will make the decision for you.’

Sounds like the tail wagging the dog.

Eugene Nanay [Dr. Geno]
Big Pine Key

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