Police Chief Commended


During Tuesday’s City Commission meeting, City Manager Jim Scholl presented Key West Police Chief Donie Lee with a Lifesaving Award Commendation.

Chief Lee was off duty at home with his family in March when he saw that his cousin’s 3-month old baby was choking while drinking from a bottle. Chief Lee immediately assessed the situation, responded as he was trained and performed life saving techniques to open the obstructed airway. While a family member called 911 to get help, Chief Lee was able to revive the baby.

“Chief Lee, your fast assessment in a critical situation and your quick actions made the difference between life and death on that day,” said Scholl. “It is with pride and respect that we honor you with this commendation in recognition of your professionalism, your skill and your dedication to service.”

“I’m grateful I had the training and was able to do something,” said Lee. “I encourage you, parents, if you have not had CPR and first aid training, to do so. You never know when you may need it.”

2 thoughts on “Police Chief Commended

  1. great that the baby was unharmed.

    but really…. to award this enabler with any type of award, especially a life saving award in light of his pathetic record in the Eimers case is appalling and disgraceful. This is a real embarrassment for all involved.

    But as the great “M” said in Casino Royale: “arrogance and self-awareness seldom go hand in hand.”

  2. I am glad he saved a life but he dam sure does not deserve an award in view of his lack of controlling his force that cost others lives. Really shows how they think in Key West. If he was a real man he would refused it. Awards should be saved for honorable men.

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