letter to the editor

Opinion / Covid-19: “Where will we go?”

Dear Editor:

Where Will We Go…

letter to the editorFrightening and panicking citizens to uncertain futures based upon fraudulent COVID-19 models, has significantly delayed the development of a remedying response to this deadly disease. Many thousands of individuals have been harmed and killed, resultant from these malfeasant scientific projections.

Imprecise and inaccurate data coming from medical officials projected that 2.2 million Americans would suffer death from the COVID-19 Virus. In addition, these experts projected that 81% of the US population would be infected with this deadly disease.

Dr. Fauci, Dr. Brix and CDC Director Dr. Redfield took turns reinforcing these misguided claims of mass death and destruction. Responding to these startling predictions, many states issued lockdown orders.  Businesses were closed and many millions of people lost their jobs and careers. “Wall Street Journal” investigators identified these lockdowns as triggering a double-digit increase of homicides in 36 of our 50 biggest cities. Amid these stay-at-home orders, crimes against women and children increased. Doctors at John Muir Medical Center have seen more deaths by suicide than the COVID-19 virus (ABC News).

Lead COVID-19 medical advisor to the president Dr. Anthony Fauci has been inconsistent with his recommendations to the public. He’s gone so far as to advocate for the public to use an Online Dating App to hookup during the pandemic. These inconsistencies were broadcasted, repeated and published via media and social platforms around the world.

The Scientific Method has lifted “civilizations” from the depths of starvation, poverty and disease. It has provided human beings with an opportunity to experience  a “quality of life”, which can provide them with the means to reduce their suffering. Abandoning the pursuit of “truthful discovery” via the Scientific Method will flood our lives with confusion and disorder.

Imaginary beliefs fermented in delusion and foreboding will seek expression in society’s re-imagined cultural perspectives.

Discarding the Scientific Method as a standard, model and means to live one’s life effectively, will turn our world into a primitive and violent wasteland.

Remaining a dangerous disease, the accompanying CDC COVID Survival Rates provide some evidence that we’re moving in the right direction.

Survival Rates: O-19Years=99.997%, 20-49Years=99.98%, 50-69Years= 99.5% and 70+Years=94.6%.

3 thoughts on “Opinion / Covid-19: “Where will we go?”

  1. Initial Scientific Assessments, Analysis and Projections of the COVID-19 Virus were significantly inaccurate and untrue.
    Looking to statements by the CDC and Doctors associated with formulating a response to this pandemic, I was alarmed by their lack of knowledge and inconsistencies, as they attempted to credibly guide the world towards an effective response to this pandemic.

    Without the facts and truth that comes via the Scientific Method of Discovery there isn’t any reality. We just have an individual’s emotionally charged rhetoric cherry picking information and stats that coincide with their own particular fears and biases. That is delusional.

    Hate, anger and other disturbing emotions are not are not in keeping with the objective mind set required to treat and cure COVID-19. Cooperatively drawing an authentic Scientific Community together, free from ideological hatred, is the pre-requisite necessary to raise awareness and lift one’s consciousness to the point where answers are identified and medical solutions formulated.

  2. I agree completely with the contents: that initial projections were largely unfounded, that the authoritarian responses were made in direct response to these initial projections, and that the Scientific Method is foundational to a modern society. I would also point out the source of the initial projections. Dr. Fauci, Dr. Brix and CDC Director Dr. Redfield are all top level government bureaucrats, so it really shouldn’t be surprising that they tried to enhance the prospect of catastrophe. Authoritarian government motto: Never let a crisis go to waste. To take maximum advantage you must maximize the crisis, and maximize people’s perception of the crisis. Telling people not to take appropriate precautions and predicting the worst does just that.

    It is well past time to make a fundamental change in the direction the country is headed, and this November we have a chance to do just that (in all 50 states & DC), and her name is Jo Jorgensen.

  3. Hi Blue Paper!
    Thanks for your investigative reports. You do it better.
    Covid19 will be in the Keys til evryone is able to get vaccinated which might happen by 2022.
    Even then, some ignoramuses will deny the vaccine and continue to spread the disease as long as they live.
    Our over-tourism industry promotes the denial of the plague because it hurts revenue.
    Most Tourists do not wear masks as an informal drive on Duval will show anyone. So, everyone in the Keys can expect to get the plague if they go outside or visit any local worker who serves tourists. Infections will ebb and flood but never stop. Thank you chamber of commerce. Somerset Meece meeceblog.wordpress.com

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