letter to the editor

Open Letter To The School Board

by Dr. Larry Murray…….

I have repeatedly raised the issue of MCSD having appropriate policies for the processing of Public Records Requests. After several conversations, it occurs to me that I may have been using the wrong term and thus confusing matters.

Yes, MCSD does have very general policies regarding Public Records. What it does not have are WRITTEN PROCEDURES for processing Public Records Requests. There is nothing that identifies to whom a request should be sent and who is responsible for both the processing of that request and seeing that the requestor receives the documents. I have suggested and continue to suggest that the new PIO would be the ideal person for drafting these procedures and making them public. Further, I have suggested that the PIO be appointed the responsible individual for receiving and processing Public Records Requests.

Such written procedures would clarify what is currently a very ambiguous process that routinely generates considerable confusion and delay. It is not uncommon that multiple requests must be made for the same document(s).

This situation has taken on a new urgency with the superintendent turning to text messaging as a means of communicating with you and others. As I understand it, text messages, like emails, are public records to be preserved and disseminated upon request.

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