On Flying


by  Kirby Congdon…….

After a plane crash in 1962 the New York Times appealed to our general sense of forebearance, urging the public to accommodate the risk of air travel for the sake of progress.

Progress of what? this writer asked in an essay. Profit? Investment? The population explosion? The convenience of business? Our response suggested abandoning air travel altogether, not that this writer could afford it anyway. Now this writer, 54 years later, seems inured to catastrophe. He flies whenever the seasons change. He still has doubts however about ever arriving at his destination.

“After all, he tells himself, “what should I be saving myself for?”

In between flights have you tried the pizzas in the Miami airport, or the hamburgers in Atlanta? Priorities do change as we mature. Or is it that our youthful convictions degenerate?

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