Officers Sims and Stockton Save a Life

kwpd officers save lives

Key West Police Chief Donie Lee this week commended Officers Joe Stockton and Carter Sims with a Life Saving Award for their quick response to a life-threatening incident in February.

Officers Stockton and Sims responded to a medical emergency call in which the male subject was not breathing. Both officers immediately began rescue breathing. When Rescue arrived on scene, the subject was intubated to assist with his breathing. However, by the time Rescue loaded the subject into the ambulance he was awake and talking and breathing on his own.

The life saving measures undertaken by Officers Stockton and Sims made the difference of life and death for this man.

“It is with pride and honor that the Key West Police Department Commends Officers Carter Sims and Officer Joe Stockton with the Life Saving Award,” said Lee.

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