New Online Series from Sea Delight Ocean Fund

Adriana Sanchez


MIAMI – The Sea Delight Ocean Fund, Inc., the charity arm of Sea Delight, LLC, Miami’s purveyor of high-quality, responsibly sourced fish and seafood, announced the start of a new online series that will feature the female movers and shakers in the seafood industry entitled “Women in Seafood,” announced Adriana Sanchez, Sustainability Director for Sea Delight and President of the Sea Delight Ocean Fund.

“Women in Seafood” was the brainchild of Sanchez as the culmination of her five years of experience coordinating development efforts for Global Fishery Improvement Projects (FIPs), which promote sustainable seafood.

“My role as Sustainability Director has been focused on strategic planning, evaluation, and management of international and multicultural teams and projects,” she said. “I have been fostering partnerships with members of the seafood industry and other conservation groups to assist in the proper development and implementation of Sea Delight’s sustainability initiatives. As a result of these efforts, I’ve had the opportunity to learn about the important roles women have played in the seafood industry throughout the supply chain. I’ve also had the opportunity to work with incredible women and I wanted to take this opportunity to reach out to them and showcase their work, as well as learn what are their aspirations for this industry and how do they contribute to its future. Thus the Women in Seafood series was born.”

Each woman is asked a series of questions that are less focused on how women work vis’-à-vis men and more focused on the actual work these women are doing in regard to seafood sustainability. These are role models, many of whom have paved the way for a new generation of female leaders. We’ve just kicked off the series with Dr. Barbara Blackistone, Senior Director of Scientific Affairs for the National Fisheries Institute, who is our first featured “Woman in Seafood.” You can find her feature here:

A new “Woman in Seafood” will be featured approximately every other week on our blog at and showcased on both our Facebook page and Twitter feed @tasteoftheseafl.

If you know or work with great women in seafood, please share this opportunity with them and encourage their participation by contacting Sanchez at [email protected] or Stacey Schrager at [email protected].


Sea Delight Ocean Fund is a 501(c)(3) charity organization that supports the implementation and expansion of existing marine conservation programs as well as developing new programs for the improved management of global fisheries. These efforts not only benefit the industry by ensuring a stable supply chain, but also benefit the fishermen and their families by securing their livelihoods as they too depend on the availability of these resources.

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