Monroe County Surveying Employers About Jobs and Housing


MONROE COUNTY, FL – Monroe County’s Planning Department is asking a random sample of employers to participate in a survey about jobs and housing. This survey is a vital component of the County’s effort to address affordable/workforce housing needs.

The County asks that the approximately 3,000 employers who receive the survey return it using the postage-paid envelope or complete it online, within 10 days of receiving the survey.

Employers may respond anonymously. The survey only takes 10 minutes to complete. The survey is being administered by an independent firm, RRC Associates, which will tabulate, analyze and summarize the results.

These results will be used to help determine the need and demand for affordable housing.

The County thanks businesses and other employers in advance for their participation in this important survey.

2 thoughts on “Monroe County Surveying Employers About Jobs and Housing

  1. Are the taxpayers responsible to provide/subsidize workforce housing??? If employers can’t pay their employees enough to live where they work then perhaps they should think about doing something else. Anyone remember when Hooters came to Duval St. I understood that they were bringing their girls down from Dade And Broward counties and putting them up dorm style. Hooters didn’t last 1 year. It’s not up to the government to supply housing for any employer. Fortunately in the tourist support industry there is an ample supply of young disillusioned people who are willing to share 8 to the room using the Hot Bed rotation for sleeping and existing on rahmen noodles and gatorade. The taxpayers piggy bank is beginning to rattle empty.

    1. That is how it should work but not how it does in KW. Tax payers footed the down payment on Peary Court.

      Why do we need a study to figure out the lack of affordable housing ? We already know the the shortage. And no business man will build any. Employers manage to find workers and till that changes wages stay low. Turn over of help is high. Unless they land a job that tips they can not last long in KW.

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