“Mandy / A Trans Woman’s Journey to Key West”

by Sheri Double Dee, Strange Brew Radio…….

Life is a series of changes….. sometimes you know what direction you are heading and at other times you must go with what is in your heart. Mandy Murray tells her story of change, in her own words, something that many are afraid to bring to light. As a straight woman I have the same fears as Mandy and I was able to relate to her anxieties of being a woman. How do I dress, does it look flattering? How about my makeup…. too much? Will I be accepted? As a woman who suffers from the same anxieties that Mandy goes through during her transformation, I can relate to everything she says. This isn’t just about putting on a dress, makeup and a wig, this is about life and what one must endure to be truly happy in one’s own skin. It is also about being in a place where you are not judged by what or who you are but by the beautiful soul you are inside. A place where you feel welcomed and respected and above all loved. I believe everyone should read this story and ask themselves who they really are. You may be surprised at how much her story can help you write your own……

Click on the image below to learn more about Mandy’s book!

4 thoughts on ““Mandy / A Trans Woman’s Journey to Key West”

  1. Key West is perfect for her as dam few judge anyone in KW as to how they dress or cross dress. If a guy has the body to pass as female then no good reason not to. At best with 8 hours of help and plenty of makeup I still would not pass.
    Am sure it was costly in not only money.
    Wish her the best. Can we assume she works at one of the bars ?

    1. Hi Jim, thank you for your encouraging words and your kind wishes. I do not work in Key West but would dearly love to. I am a citizen of the UK and though I am unable to live there all the time I do spend as much time there as I can. It is the best place in the world.

      Mandy x

      1. As you know are a few bars that hire cross dressers and trans. No idea what pay scale is. And cost of living is very high. You should give it a try. KW is very open minded.

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