M Ensemble Explores Family Dysfunction in ‘Brothers of the Dust’

Please join me in celebrating the second show of our inaugural season, at our new and magnificently constructed “Theatrical Complex” in Miami. If you can make it up to Key Largo, I’ll see to it that you’re taken to the show and returned back to Key Largo.
Our “Opening Night” will include the performance, along with an after show cast party and buffet style dinner. As our guest, there will be no charge.  The date of this show is March 9, 2017, at 8PM.
Our previous production of “Brothers of the Dust” was gloriously reviewed by the critics. It was oft requested by our audience for a return engagement. So here it is…Please come and see for yourself…
Hope to hear from you soon. Contact me via the comment section below, phone or e-mail.
Blessings & Respect to All…
John Donnelly


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